CARICHAM’s Best Practice Seminar
On July 8th and 13th, CARICHAM hosted two sessions, targeting Executive Directors of Member Chambers as part of CARICHAM's Best Practice Seminar.
Initially planned for April 2020 as an in-person event at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Martinique (CCIM), the Seminar had to be postponed and re-designed due to the effects of the pandemic. The objective of this meeting was to organize a collaboration between Chambers to exchange Chamber initiatives on best practices in terms of service offering.
One of CARICHAM’s objectives is to encourage collaboration between Member Chambers to share good practices to better serve their members and grow Chambers’ membership.
The Best Practice Seminar focused on service-offering, specifically revenue-generating services. Divided into working groups; Executives discovered different services offered at the CCIM, one of the Member Chambers with the most members and resources.
The CCIM proposed different services to its members among which were, Export support, Digitalization support, Legal support, and Risk management support. These services offerings created the basis for discussion about services that CARICHAM’s Executives could consider developing in their Chamber to better serve their members.
Exchanges were focused on the different services offered in the Member Chambers and their feedback on what has proven effective for Chamber development. Indeed, the strength of CARICHAM is in its diversity of membership. Exchanges of good practices have a significant role to play in the constitution of the actions undertaken by the Network.
The organization of CARICHAM Best Practice Seminar once again proves the willingness of Caribbean Chambers to work together in finding solutions tailored to their needs and that of their members. OBSIDIAN Solutions, consultants, and the host of this seminar, guided the discussion and shared their recommendation for the implementation of the CARICHAM Common Offer of Services.
CARICHAM’s Best Practice Seminar was the first step towards the creation of a common CARICHAM service offering. Thanks to the exchanges, the Executives identified a list of 6 services that will comprise CARICHAM Common Offer of Service that they will seek to implement by the end of the 2021-2022 term.