Les Rendez-vous de l’International by the CCIM

The Network of Caribbean Chambers of Commerce (CARICHAM) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Martinique (CCIM) invite you to connect with French Caribbean companies from Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana on April 29th, 2021 from 3PM to 5.30PM.

You will be able to meet new partners and secure strategic alliances.

Les Rendez-vous de l'International is an International Business forum created by CCIM to create export opportunities for its members at the regional and international level.

This 10th edition is 100% digital and this year, companies from Guadeloupe and French Guiana will also be represented.

CCIM is a founding member of CARICHAM and attaches great importance to strengthening trade within the Caribbean Basin, especially between members of CARICHAM.

This B2B session is a special event by CARICHAM as part of the Rendez-vous de l'International 2021 Edition.

We are looking forward to hosting these sessions and creating long-lasting , viable network connections !



List of companies participating to the CARICHAM B2B Session