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Regional ARISE Forum

You are invited to attend the Regional ARISE Forum on Thursday October 28th, 2021, a preliminary event of the 2021 Regional Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction for the Americas and the Caribbean. This virtual event is hosted in collaboration with the UNDRR Regional Office and the 23 ARISE Networks of the Americas and the Caribbean. CARICHAM will lead a session at this Forum, as such, we invite you to benefit from this important Forum!

Topics for this Forum will include: 

  1. Thriving SMEs: The relationship between resilience, competitiveness and sustainability

  2. Risk Transfer: The insurance system as a tool for prevention and resilience building

  3. Cost and Benefit Modelling for Resilient Infrastructure

  4. Designing Business Continuity Plans: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 and Multi-Hazards (CARICHAM will lead this session and launch its new BCP Toolkit)

  5. Challenges and next steps towards business resilience and sustainability

Don’t miss the advances and good practices presented by senior representatives of the private sector to foster resilient economies. Recommendations collected on how private sector engagement through ARISE can contribute to building resilience and influence public policies in DRR the region will also be shared. 

Business and risk managers as invited to attend as well as other key DRR stakeholders such as business associations, chambers of commerce, national disaster risk management systems in the region, intergovernmental organizations and other strategic partners, including donors, international, regional and subregional organizations, United Nations agencies, multilateral organizations and bilateral cooperation agencies involved in DRR and private sector engagement.

The Forum will be hosted online through the “Hopin” event platform, allowing participants from all over the region to join. Not only will attendees be able to choose which session to attend but will also be able to network with others. Registered persons will receive additional information on how to access the event.

Register now to benefit from this first Regional ARISE Forum!

2 July

CARICHAM Regional Growth Series 7

2 November

CARICHAM and UWI MSBM invite you to attend Side Event at the 2021 Regional Platform for DRR